Association of British Orchestras

Fundraising & Marketing Assistant

Britten Sinfonia 22,000 Closing date 31 May 2023
Job Summary

This is an important position supporting Britten Sinfonia's fundraising and marketing work It's a great chance to gain experience and skills in areas including donor management, customer relationship management, digital marketing, graphic design and general arts administration.

Job Description

The role mixes administrative and creative duties, and is divided between the Marketing and Development departments. The post holder will report to the Marketing & Communications Director and the Development Director. The workload will be split roughly 50/50 between the two departments, although this split will flex depending on departmental needs.

The role also includes representing the orchestra in a public and audience-facing role at concerts and donor engagement events.

Marketing duties include running our social media channels, creating concert programmes, website updates, laying out e-newsletters, helping create digital content and carrying out administrative tasks.

The post holder will play a key role in maintaining elements of our customer relationship management system, Raiser's Edge, including database entry, managing action lists, maintaining donor records, and supporting with donor communications. The post holder will also provide support across all fundraising channels.

We are a small management team, based in our central Cambridge office, and the post holder will also work closely with colleagues from other departments on fundraising and marketing initiatives, particularly with our Concerts and Learning & Participation teams.

Contact details
01223 300795
Britten Sinfonia,
Compass House,
80 Newmarket Road,

Annual Conference

The next ABO conference will take place in London,
hosted by The Southbank Centre, from 4-6 February 2026