Sirens, funded by the ABO Trust, aims to raise awareness and appreciation of the music written by historical women from around the world.
The ABO helps develop the skills and knowledge of its members’ staff, including providing and signposting to high quality professional development opportunities for all tiers of management and musicians.
The ABO offers a package of training courses in partnership with UK Theatre, and brokers mentoring opportunities by request. The annual conference, member networking events and occasional seminars also provide opportunities for members’ staff to expand their knowledge and develop their skills.
The ABO is committed to nurturing the next generation of orchestra management and leadership through providing careers advice and programmes
The ABO aims to develop better working relations between manager and musician through its Staying Happier For Longer programme, promote best practice in health and well-being through its Healthy Orchestra programme, and encourage more sustainable practice through guidance developed in association with industry lead body Julie’s Bicycle.
The ABO also aims to increase the amount and range of high quality, family-friendly performances, increase the quality of experience, and improve marketing to build and develop family audiences through its participation in the Family Arts Campaign.
The ABO works in partnership with other organisations, including the Arts Fundraising and Philanthropy Programme, The Audience Agency and the Clore Leadership Programme, to provide training opportunities for and expand the knowledge base of its members’ staff.