Association of British Orchestras

West Newcastle Symphony Orchestra Leader

Sage Gateshead 1200.00 Closing date 07 January 2022
Sage Gateshead would like to engage a creative Music Leader to lead engaging, energetic, and dynamic high-quality sessions with West Newcastle Symphony Orchestra (WNSO), part of In Harmony Newcastle Gateshead. The Music Leader has a significant role in nurturing and developing the creativity, potential, and skills of both the individual musicians, and the ensemble as a collective. West Newcastle Symphony Orchestra allows young people, post primary school, to continue their musical learning through an exploration of a wide variety of genres.

The Music Leader will be responsible for providing and arranging music, as well as helping to identify performance opportunities and preparing the ensemble for frequent performances. The successful candidate must be able to lead rehearsals. This role is fixed term January – July 2022. The fee for this work is £1,200. The Music Director will need to be available on selected Thursday afternoons, 5-6:30pm, throughout the Spring and Summer terms 2022. In addition, there will be a small number of performances, including work relating to In Harmony Newcastle Gateshead’s 10th Anniversary Celebrations. The ensemble rehearses in the West End of Newcastle and the Music Leader will need to arrange their own transport.

Contact details
St Mary's Square, Gateshead Quays, Gateshead, NE8 2JR

Annual Conference

The next ABO conference will take place in London,
hosted by The Southbank Centre, from 4-6 February 2026