Association of British Orchestras

The Association of British Orchestras Launches #AnOrchestraInEverySchool at Annual Conference

  • On 5th February 2025, the ABO launches a new #AnOrchestraInEverySchool initiative at its annual conference
  • #AnOrchestraInEverySchool highlights the transformative power and value of a high quality music education for all young people
  • The initiative is part of the ABO’s #MusicThatMovesYou public campaign, which celebrates the impact of UK orchestras in our everyday lives, cultural heritage, communities and economy

5th February 2025 - The Association of British Orchestras (ABO) launches a new #AnOrchestraInEverySchool initiative at its annual conference, accompanied by a photocall of Conference delegates who lead some of the world’s most renown orchestras and make the UK classical music sector a global success.

#AnOrchestraInEverySchool is a national call to ensure access to high-quality music education and creative subjects for all children and young people, investing in music education and skills development.

The Conference, which takes place at The Glasshouse International Centre for Music in Gateshead, will also hear from Sir Chris Bryant MP, Minister of State for Creative Industries, Arts and Tourism on how Labour will deliver on its missions and the value the new Government places on access to the arts as part of every child’s education.

In the lead up to the UK Government’s Spring Spending Review, the #AnOrchestraInEverySchool initiative urges UK Government to invest in music education. Investment and reforms such as increasing the minimum arts entitlement within the school week, improvements to teacher training and recruitment, addressing shortages in different instruments being learnt and taught as well as enabling access to flexible apprenticeships for the creative industries, will create more equitable access to the arts for all young people.

Judith Webster, ABO CEO said: Our aspiration is for every school in the UK to either have an orchestra of its own - however they define that - or access to an orchestra. #AnOrchestraInEverySchool celebrates the work of the whole music education ecosystem – schools, teachers, Music Hubs, the plethora of music education providers who offer quality music education to young people, and the substantial existing contribution of UK orchestras working in partnership with them. We need to work together to achieve this ambition – in the belief that active music making changes lives.

UK orchestras are already working with hundreds of thousands of children and young people, and providing opportunities to access world class orchestral musicians and classical music – both on the concert platform and beyond, in partnership in schools and local communities.

Recent sector statistics, which will be launched by the ABO in March 2025, show a steady increase in the number of children and young people attending and taking part in education and outreach performances, workshops and school concerts. The data also shows a significant increase in the number of events dedicated to giving children and young people unique opportunities to listen to or perform music, being delivered by UK orchestras across the country.

Live music making enhances young people’s learning, their emotional development, their relationship building, their creative and critical thinking and their friendships. #AnOrchestraInEverySchool highlights the transformative power and value of a high quality music education for all young people.

A photocall of Conference delegates launching the initiative will take place on Wednesday 5th February – this image will be shared with media on Wednesday after 6pm.

For more information please contact Hanna Madalska-Gayer, ABO Head of Policy and Communications: | 07984772390

Follow the latest developments from the ABO via social media:

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To read the full press release and notes to editors, click here.

ABO Annual Conference 2025 Delegates at the launch of the ABO #AnOrchestraInEverySchool initiative. Photo credit: @tynesightphoto

Annual Conference

The next ABO conference will take place in London,
hosted by The Southbank Centre, from 4-6 February 2026