Association of British Orchestras

Sirens June 2018 Awards

The ABO has announced the second year of its Sirens programme, awards made to raise awareness of historic women composers in orchestral programming. The successful applicants for funding in the 2019/20 season have devised distinctive projects with significant and/or repeat performances, and a public engagement element.

Trinity Laban will present works by Elizabeth Maconchy and Grace Williams, the RPO has programmed music by Lili Boulanger, AAM perform Maria Grimaldi and Marianna Martinez, and Aurora Orchestra will champion Louise Farrenc. Sirens is made possible by a generous donation by Diana Ambache to the ABO Trust who says

Frequently ignorance is the main issue around music by women. The essential thing is for people to hear their works. When these lovely pieces are heard, there is no more reason for omitting them. Roll on inclusion…

Annual Conference

The next ABO conference will take place in London,
hosted by The Southbank Centre, from 4-6 February 2026